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#1 02-18-10 1:08 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

OH!!! Canada!!! Are your Olympics jinked ?

Snowballing problems hurting Vancouver Games … _article=1

Check out the bulldozer hard at work to make the Olympics come off at Vancouver. Try Denver next time with Aspen and Vail close by, eh?

Last edited by bob_2 (02-18-10 12:21 pm)


#2 12-02-10 11:06 pm

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: OH!!! Canada!!! Are your Olympics jinked ?

This post is tangential to the above post about Canada.

My wife got an email from the people renting our California house.  She thought it was interesting, so  forwarded it to me.  In that transmission it changed to a website from a Canadian company advertised cheap Viagra.

Today she got another email from the same people (people renting out house) and I got two.  They were all emails with only a link to a website with no personal message.  We deleted them immediately.  Later today, these people emailed me apologizing for the bogus emails.

Apparently someone had hijacked their email address list, and sent advertisements to all on the list.  Just a heads up to you all.  If you get an email that has no personal message, delete it right away.


#3 12-03-10 10:17 am

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: OH!!! Canada!!! Are your Olympics jinked ?

On the topic of email scams, and a newer one that works some of the time, and to be on the look out for. Has happened to a couple of family members.

Someone hacks your email account. They send out emails to everyone on your recipient list saying something to the effect of: "I am stuck at an airport in Brussels, and my wallet has been stolen. please wire me money at (###)."

People will occasionally respond to what seems to be a friend or family member in distress and wire money.


#4 12-03-10 9:12 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: OH!!! Canada!!! Are your Olympics jinked ?

I know someone, a senior citizen, who got a call from someone claiming to be a close friend of her grandson and reported that her grandson had been involved in an accident and needed money to pay for care.  She forwarded several thousand dollars before her daughter discovered this.

Again, she was contacted by someone that she had won thousands of dollars and needed to send several hundred to "cover."  She was in the process of doing this when her daughter discovered this.  Since that time, her children have taken conservatorship.


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