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#1 07-02-10 12:47 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division

This thread intends to discuss the ideas etc. surrounding Dan Jackson's appointment.


#2 07-02-10 12:58 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division

Dan seems to be an effective problem solver. Things have been managed well. No crises brewing on his account. He led during the time of the same-sex marriage focus of the federal government. He also helped see Kingsway College through some troubling financial times. Kingsway came through those times in a better situation. Don is an administrator rather than an innovator (as I see it). He is willing to think creatively and has good people skills.


#3 07-03-10 12:56 am

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division


Since Dan Jackson is from Canada, you probably have first hand information about him.  I think it is good to have an Administrator "Administrate" the Division.

My observation is that God does not always give a man more that one main gift.  For instance, it is rather unusual for a really good singer to also have the gift of preaching -- but too many will try!

Ted Wilson is the new GC President.  He indicates that his focus will be a reformation in the church.  This is very much needed, but is also scary.  Depends on the direction the reformation takes.


#4 07-27-10 11:11 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division


Yes, I am acquainted with Dan Jackson. He is a kindly man who carefully thinks out matters at hand. He also has a pleasant sense of humour. Regarding Ted Wilson, I attended four meetings this past weekend at the Alberta Camp Meeting where he was the speaker. He is a carefully spoken leader who believes strongly in Righteousness by Faith and the need for selfless humility. His Saturday evening sermon came across, to me, as his personal manifesto: The Church needs Reformation and Revival and it is the task of leadership to set the pace.

His views on Creation are of special interest, I assume, to our readership here. He certainly believes in a six-day creaton week of recent history. "God created this world in six literal, consecutive, contiguous, 24-hour days of recent origin."


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