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#1 10-20-09 2:48 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Before God Created Humans - What Were the Laws??

For your thought and edification. Read more than just the excerpt. Some of the later material on the Jews is a little too Dispensationalist for my taste but this excerpt helps with my persistent question, if the 10 Commandments mention a memorial to creation, what were the laws before creation:


Before God Created Humans

    Although the Bible tells us very little about the period before God created humans, there are enough indicators available for us to draw some critical conclusions. It appears to be true than in the very beginning, after God created His heavenly sons, He had given them no laws. He was simply their Father and He showed them the things that He wanted them to accomplish.

    We draw this conclusion from the fact that until the Slanderer rebelled and lied to Adam and Eve, there was no mention of a law to condemn him or other heavenly messengers to death. In fact, the first mention of a penalty for his (the Slanderer’s) disobedience is found at Genesis 3:15, where the curse on the snake (and the one behind its words) was cryptically foretold to be a ‘watching for its head.’

    So, if there were originally no laws from God, why hadn’t He created them? He obviously realized that His sons could choose to rebel, because He deliberately created them each with the ability to choose for themselves whatever they wished to do. But for the heavenly sons, both right and wrong and the results of displeasing God must have been obvious. So, God didn’t have to create the possibility of a negative relationship by telling them what would happen should they choose to disobey Him.

    Then, why did the Slanderer feel that he could openly defy God? Because, as the results proved (where as Revelation 12:4 says, ‘a third of the stars of heaven’ were dragged to the earth), he knew that he had raised an issue that all living creation in heaven and on earth was watching.


#2 10-20-09 10:10 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Before God Created Humans - What Were the Laws??

We draw this conclusion from the fact that...

imaginative speculation based on myth....

hardly "edification"

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


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