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#1 03-16-09 8:27 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

The Woodenware Factory at OMC

<b><font color="ff0000">The OMC Woodenware Factory to Make the New Ironing Board Sensation</font></b> <BR> <BR>&#34;Those in the woodenware factory  have been working every spare moment to get the new factory erected and the machinery installed so we can begin the manufacture of the new ironing board, which has been creating  such a sensation. Everything is now ready  for business.&#34; <a href="" target="_blank">K. L. Gant, ECM, January 2, 1923</a> <BR> <BR><blockquote><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt=""></a> <BR><font size="-2"><i>&#40;click on picture for Flickr source&#41;</i></font>  <BR> <BR><i><font size="-1"><font color="0000ff">Text below the picture:</font> <BR> <BR>&#34;You&#39;re a Dear, Thoughtful Husband!  <BR>You&#39;re always seeking some way to make my work lighter and easier.  <BR>And this Rid-Jid&#39; Ironing Table will help wonderfully.  <BR>I&#39;ve wanted one for months.  <BR>It not only makes my Christmas happy  <BR>but my ironing will never be a task any more.  <BR>And it&#39;s so strong, and so convenient.  <BR>It can&#39;t creep or crawl, and never has to be lifted  <BR>to put on and take off circular garments.&#34; <BR> <BR>Choose a RID-JID Open End, Folding Ironing Table  <BR>- the most appreciated gift that Five Dollars will buy. <BR> <BR>See your dealer early and reserve one  <BR>for wife, mother, daughter or sister.  <BR>RID-JID PRODUCTS CORPORATION, WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS  <BR>-- Western Factory: PORTLAND, OREGON </font></i></blockquote> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font> <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by Don on March 16, 2009&#41;


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