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#1 08-05-09 12:18 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

A Canadian Prairie Town

<b><font color="ff0000">A Canadian Prairie Town</font></b> <BR> <BR>We have gone West for a month. My mother-in-law lives in this small prairie town where the one Canadian Adventist post-secondary institution is located. So, we are on vacation. Thought I would write snatches of observations of this prairie town. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">The Water</font></b> <BR> <BR>This part of the country is cursed with sulfur-smelling water. When it was first being settled, the guide for visitors would assess the character of a visitor. If he deemed him a worthy, upstanding type of fellow, he would take him out to see available land for settling. On the other hand, if he determined that the guest was of a lower variety, i.e. vulgar, immoral etc, he would give him a drink of water, first off. That would be enough to discourage him. <BR> <BR>Everyone filters the water now. It is very, very soft but the smell is negligible. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">A Moose</font></b> <BR> <BR>I have restless, sleepless nights. One night, around 2:00 a.m. I went for a drive. All of a sudden, at my window was this huge, huge Moose. I slowed down, not knowing what else to do. He acted like I wasn&#39;t there; crashed into the back passenger door on the driver&#39;s side and disappeared. I stopped to look for him; no where to be found; the damage to the door considerable. <BR> <BR>Some of our relatives have met moose before and totalled their car; one experienced a near brush with death. Moose hooves sometimes break right through windshields. I felt fortunate to have just a damaged door. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">The Coyotes</font></b> <BR> <BR>Last night, again sleepless, I went for a walk. Loping across a town street was a coyote. He seemed more afraid of me than I was of him. Later, across the main road, out in a field, two groups of coyotes called to each other. Their voices high-pitched and exotic. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">Tim Horton&#39;s</font></b> <BR> <BR>The Tim Horton&#39;s coffee shop franchise can be found all across Canada; an amazing business success story. Our prairie town has a Tim&#39;s. Located just over the train tracks along the crossroads of two main highways, it runs a brisk business. I like going their and taking in the ambiance of the town. The other day, a motor cycle club dropped in, twenty or more bikes. My wife and I went there last evening; the police, three different vehicles, came for coffee. They sat in the table next to us. Earlier that day, two older gentlemen; one wearing a bowler hat and the other a beige cowboy hat, sat at a table and visited with each other. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">The Crossroads</font></b> <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#2 08-05-09 4:08 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

<b><font color="ff0000">Mary C. Moore Public Library</font></b> <BR> <BR>Public libraries help make the literary side of democracy available to all. Canadian communities take their libraries seriously. <BR> <BR>Lacombe recently developed the Lacombe Memorial Centre, a major portion of the Centre is the public library. <BR> <BR>As a visitor, my interest is in their Internet service. At two long tables, twelve computers await usage by guests and members. I am typing this message from one of those computers. They also provide wireless service for people with their own computers; impressive. As with most libraries, the provide hard copies of local, regional, and national newspapers and magazines. <BR> <BR>The Lincoln Memorial Centre represents the latest in community planning. Next to the Library, a coffee bar provides drinks and light snacks. The washrooms operate on photo-sensitive technology; when one enters the washroom, the lights go on; the water faucets and paper towels and basic facilities all operate on photo-sensitive switches. <BR> <BR>The staff provide caring, sensitive assistance. My only complaint is the noise of social life. From the librarians themselves, to many of the patrons, the joy of social interaction is obvious. As an educator, this strikes me as odd. Libraries are places of quiet, aren&#39;t they? As a community philosopher, I view it as a positive thing, even though the deep thinking of a tired brain gets interrupted. <BR> <BR>See the gazebo to the left. Sometimes, on a sleepless night, I will walk to this and stretch out and contemplate life; taking in the cool, crisp night air. <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#3 08-18-09 2:08 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

The Wedding <BR> <BR>The ceremony took place at the local Adventist church. I did what they call the homily and the youth pastor led them in their vows. <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>The reception took place at the Hotel Macdonald. <BR> <BR>One of our senior guests said that he remembers when this hotel was known as the largest structure for miles around. Now, the Telus building and others overshadow it. <BR> <BR>Here is a tourist website showing the Hotel Macdonald&#39;s features: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>Someone, other than the groom&#39;s parents, put some significant money into this. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-&#41;" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>It was a wonderful day. Not mainly because of the surroundings, though it did help, but because of the intelligence and effort put into everything. <BR> <BR>Now they are off on their honeymoon. <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#4 08-19-09 12:14 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

How about a picture of the happy bride and groom and families.


#5 08-19-09 8:02 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

Considering that this is a public forum and personal security is quite important, I hesitate to do that. They are active on Facebook and there is some discussion about putting the wedding video on YouTube. But, that will be their decision. Perhaps YouTube has a private zone feature, I don&#39;t know. <BR> <BR>I gave the newlyweds my sermon notes. I have considered posting an outline of my message. It was a very creative experience for me, and appreciated by them. I ventured into what were for me new ideas in Christian thinking. I kept too close to my notes for my liking, but the feedback, thus far, has been positive.  <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#6 08-19-09 8:30 pm

Registered: 04-24-09
Posts: 22

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

I&#39;m having a vision that your wedding was staid compared to this: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by DCB on August 19, 2009&#41;


#7 08-19-09 8:40 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

<b><font color="0000ff">I&#39;m having a vision that your wedding wasn&#39;t like this: </font></b> <BR> <BR>No, not quite so animated at that wedding. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-&#41;" BORDER=0>  <BR> <BR>The reception was very lively, though. <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#8 08-19-09 9:16 pm

Registered: 04-24-09
Posts: 22

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

FWIW, <BR> <BR>You Tube is easy to upload. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>________________________________________________ <BR> <BR>Perhaps, this is a more familiar and comfortable style: <img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>


#9 08-19-09 10:03 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

Don, I understand your reluctance to show pictures on the internet.  Too dangerous today with what has been occurring. <BR> <BR>Good luck to the newlyweds!


#10 08-20-09 12:21 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

so much ancient stone age tradition in marriage!!! <BR> <BR>starts with groom and his &#34;best men&#34; attacking a neighboring village, and kidnapping one or more virgins, as the Bible recommends. <BR> <BR>the batchelor party = results from the victory party after the successful nearby raid,  where the unwanted women are sampled, the wine kegs broken into, and a general good time is had by all the soldiers/groomsmen before sobering up for the official ceremonies. <BR> <BR>the groom walks down the aisle on the as to leave his right hand free to draw his sword to defend against the nearby villagers who might try to come take back their virgin that the groom and his groomsmen may have stolen ... <BR> <BR>bride walks on left,  holding grooms left arm, leaving his right arm free for combat if necessary.  promising to be there for him at his left side...until &#40;his&#41; death or divorce.  which may be why many men keep their wallet in their right pants pocket. <BR> <BR>she wears a hid her the Moslems wear a burka... so that if she is butt ugly, the guy is not embarrased, but if she is georgeous &#40;that word means, chesty in French!!!&#41;, he doesn&#39;t want other guys to notice and have to fight to keep her... <BR> <BR>man cannot wear hat in church...since in olden days, helmets were what fighting men wore, and you had to take them off to prove you were peaceful when in church. <BR> <BR>woman must wear white..symbol of virginity...since no man wants to pay for college for another guys seed.... <BR> <BR>man wears black...symbol of non virginity?  or penance?  or sadness?  or the darkness which is about to overtake him? <BR> <BR>back in 60&#39;s I heard of gals being asked by their priests to &#34;show&#34; them their intact parts...or somehow prove their virginity before the priest/pastor would marry them!!! <BR> <BR>today, the priest/pastor just makes a statement in front of the gathering about how &#34;holy&#34; this matrimony is....  but its all based not on any divine law,  but on tradition, and inheritance rules which require the woman be a virgin in order for her children,  which result from the &#34;seed&#34; of the husband, to be part of the <BR>family inheritance... <BR> <BR>I mean, why would any guy want to leave his hard earned goats to another guys kids!!!  but if a guy had kids by another woman, he needn&#39;t leave her anything!!  unless he wanted to &#34;add&#34; her to the hareem.  and even then, the kids were second rate, like Olde Abe and his first wife/sister Sarah cast out the Arab gal Haggar and her kid, Ishmael, starting the never ending war between jews and Arabs. <BR> <BR>Question:  &#34;who gives this woman in marriage???&#34; <BR>.... the father of the bride must agree to &#34;sell&#34; his daughter..... <BR> <BR>&#34;Do any here know why there should not marry?  let them speak now or forever hold their peace&#34; <BR> <BR>this is the opportunity to prove she is not a virgin by all the guys who may have enjoyed her charms, and thus kibash the deal.  or be paid to keep their mouths shut. <BR> <BR>the dowry:  the price of the bride...used to be paid in cows, goats, or chickens....but today is paid over and over and over and ov....til death do us part.... or until the judge gives it all to her anyway.  <BR> <BR> <BR>cake = offering to goddess of fertility.  Clomid works better. <BR> <BR>flowers = to overcome the barnyard smells <BR> <BR>the June wedding:   because its too cold in the winter, too rainy in march/April, too muddy with mayflies in May...and the flowers come out best in June. <BR>and it might become to late to be sure she&#39;s still a virgin if you wait till it gets really cold in the fall, requiring friendly ways to keep warm.  like in those fall haystacks. <BR> <BR>ring = used to be a seal one could impress into warm wax as ones signature since nobody could read or write way back when.  The seal could be used to prove you now owned this woman.  Tho later, the women often figured out how to put the ring in the guys nose to lead him around. <BR> <BR> <BR>tradition sez brides parents pay for wedding:   women were not worth much, so parents had to pay to get rid of daughters, unless groom &#39;s parents were actually, rich, in which case, she is &#34;sold&#34; for a dowry of goats or cows payable to brides family.  goes back to biblical daze when you could sell your daughter &#34;if you got a good price&#34;.... <BR> <BR>the reception = the feast,  &#40;&#34;festung&#34; in German, where &#34;fest&#34;, related to &#34;fast&#34;, means &#34;hard&#34;, as in the liquor&#41; where families put down the knives and axes, get imbrickated, and learn to interact with each other in the dance of marriage. <BR> <BR>and some poor, undeserving cow or pig gets slaughtered in honor of the festivities...   <BR> <BR>the garter belt...probably used to be a chastity belt the father had to remove to give the groom permission to &#34;access&#34; his daughter.  Even today, in some backward &#40;moslem&#41; countries, the blood from the marriage bed must be saved by the brides parents to prove she was a virgin... otherwise, the grooms parents could hire a rock band to finish providing her entertainment!!!  <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>hunny moon = period of proof that she is a virgin, and will &#34;put out&#34;, or the unlucky dude might be justified in asking for his money, freedom and little black address book back!!! especially if she locks herself in the Bathroom and the marriage is not &#34;consumated&#34;.... <BR> <BR>that&#39;s how Ted Kennedy got rid of his first papal bull ....  or what&#39;s known as an annulment.   additional donations to the diocese required if there have been kids.... or if one of your girlfriends drowned in your upside down Oldsmobile, unless you can prove your ex was a worse lush than you. <BR> <BR>so it all comes down to money... the golden rule. <BR> <BR>those who have the gold, make the rules. <BR>they are &#34;bluebloods&#34;....whose blood does not get oxygenated by hard work and exercise, and stays blue in puffed up veins. <BR> <BR>those who don&#39;t, follow those who do. <BR>they are &#34;red blooded&#34; workers, who oxygenate their blood to a ruddy red by dint of hard labor. <BR> <BR>poor folks unable to afford a fancy ceremony, just shacked up... usually they moved in with parents, and their heirs later fought over what they didn&#39;t have. <BR> <BR>Jacob had to work 7 years for his lovely-at-the-well...then they put a bag over the sisty ugler&#39;s head &#40;the burka&#41;, and cheated Jacob by marrying off the old bag first....but turn about is fair play, as jacob had cheated his brother Esau out of his fathers goats anyway.    So later, jacob, with Gods help devises a plan during the 2nd set of divine 7 years to cheat his father in law/uncle out of goats by overcoming the laws of genetics and having the offspring goats be speckled by the breeding goats obsessively watching pornographic speckled sticks. <BR> <BR>Later, rich people, to protect their family stuff, created these age old traditions to mark milestones in our lives...and the prenup was invented to make sure the guy at least survived the wedding. <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>more of these milestone ceremonies in life grew to include celebrating birth with cigars, to baptism and graduation with roses,  marriage with more gifts added, divorce with money subtracted, to retirement with a gold watch and an uncertain government handout, then finally,  the &#34;wake&#34; with flowers covering up the formaldehyde where they put you on display and see if you can actually &#34;wake up&#34; before returning you to the dust of the ground, where the whole story started in the first place with God making Adam. <BR> <BR>and Adam being lonely.... <BR> <BR>so God sent a stream of animals for Adam to choose.... but eventually stripped Adam of a rib to make Eve. <BR> <BR>When Adam was a single man <BR>He couldn&#39;t find a mate. <BR>While all the other animals <BR>Could riffle up a date. <BR> <BR>This agitated Adam, <BR>Handsome, tall and slim, <BR>Seeing two of everything <BR>But only one of him.  <BR> <BR>But when the Lord came by one day <BR>And took Adam by the hand, <BR>He asked him to name the animals <BR>In air and sea and land. <BR> <BR>&#34;From all the animals I made, <BR>I expect you to choose a mate, <BR>Some charming little female <BR>With whom you can have a date.&#34;  <BR> <BR>But when the job was finished <BR>Poor Adam stood alone, <BR>There was no mate that he could date, <BR>None he could call his own. <BR> <BR>Now Adam was disconsolate, <BR>He began to fret and grieve. <BR>It was then the Lord got busy <BR>And made him Mother Eve.  <BR> <BR>Just think what might have happened <BR>To folks like me and you, <BR>If Adam had selected as his mate <BR>A female kangaroo. <BR>- Sam Hill  <BR> <BR>clipped from the below site which should not be visited by literalists. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#11 08-20-09 9:31 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: A Canadian Prairie Town

John, I enjoyed &#40;and laughed&#41; at your descriptions of ancient marriage customs, some of which are still observed.


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