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#1 10-30-10 7:15 am

Old Abe
Registered: 01-18-10
Posts: 106

Latest Terrorist Threat

On the news this morning there was much made about an alledged bomb plot from Yemen.

Amazing isn't it. Three days before the US mid term election and we have a "bomb "scare.

Canada even scrambled some jets.Wow! are we ever at the ready! what would we ever do without good old Harper standing guard on the US northern frontier.

Are the Americans so gullible that they fall for this over and over again.Stay tuned until we get the results of the election.


#2 10-30-10 5:09 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

I watched Comedy Central's Restore Sanity and Keep Fear Alive performance on the Washington Mall.  Jon Stewart gave a rip-roaring sermon about how we should learn to live together and stop making enemies of other people who do not look like us or agree with us.

The media panders to fear and I refuse to buy into it.  Someone a few months ago projected that next, the terrorist would target rural areas.  What a joke!  Why drop a bomb in an open field with no one  but cows around?  They always attempt to target highly populated areas.  I refuse to live in fear.


#3 10-30-10 8:55 pm

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Elaine, I also watched this show! 

http://www.rallytorestoresanityandorfea … rs=eml_ral

I thought it was great!

My wife and I were actually going to go, (we live 20 minutes away), but decided against dealing with all the traffic.  It was live on TV, so that was the easiest way to take it all in.

The whole point of this rally was to oppose the right wing, Bible thumpers, like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and that wacko in Delaware, (who is not a witch), but who thinks she is doing God’s bidding.  These people are delusional, mean, and wrong about most everything they say.

While the Conservatives pretend that God and the Bible are on their racist and angry side, they prove otherwise as most of their positions are against the Gospel.  These conservatives are more like the Pharisees, then like Jesus, and many people are just fed up with all this right wing garbage that is divisive, dishonest, and counter-productive.

I was glad to see so many people taking the trouble to send such a reasonable message to legions of those foolish enough to listen to Fox News.   That station is propaganda, not news.  Their view of the world is hardly compatible with “sanity,” much less the Gospel.

And it took two comedians to make this point very clear.  I just wish Bill Maher could have also been part of the show.   He would have fit in very well.

Happy Sabbath, from Washington DC, where sanity ruled for a day!



#4 10-30-10 11:25 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Those two are my favorite news commentators!  I watch them every evening.


#5 01-10-11 4:10 pm

Old Abe
Registered: 01-18-10
Posts: 106

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Listening to what happened in Arizona it seems you guys have enough terrorists at home without looking elsewhere.When you have parts of the GOP aadvocating violence and using inflamatory rehetoric it is not surprizing some nutcase will act on it.

If the USA law men were doing their job they would have locked up Palin and company long ago and brought in some sensible gun laws which would keep those kind of weapons out of the hands of the lunatic fringe.


#6 01-11-11 3:47 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Old Abe, you need to follow the story before you brand this kook a right winger: … hooter.php

He was ejected from the local Community College and told not to come back until he had had a psychological review. My question where was Sheriff Dupnik following through on that????


#7 01-11-11 8:30 am

Old Abe
Registered: 01-18-10
Posts: 106

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Regardless where this young man stood politically and you can't have a more divergence of views that Hitler and Karl Marx except that they both believed violence was useful tp achieve power this unstable person was influenced by the vitriolic language used by the right wing kooks of the GOP.

All the fancy verbal footwork of the right in US politics will not wash the blood of innocents of the hands of Palin and her ilk.

Hopefully this tragic event will wake up the American public and put an end to any possibility of Palin or her kind ever reaching the White House.

And hopefully too some of the revulsion will find its way to Canada as we currently have a right wing nutcase for a prime minister who has brought political etnics in this country to a new low.


#8 01-11-11 5:51 pm

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Old Abe, Bob can be relied on to be biased about all matters political. The young man was mentally ill, plain and simple. The one tweeter quoted in the link he provided is an outlier among the many people in his life who consistently (apart from her) characterize him as crazy, with somewhat more right-wing craziness than left-wing craziness.

I don't think one can attribute his actions to the right wing, but that doesn't change the fact that there has been a lot of grossly irresponsible talk by several GOP politicians, that frankly is catnip to the mentally ill.

you're also correct that there is something to be said about how easy it was for someone widely known to be mentally ill and only slightly less widely known to be dangerously mentally ill to acquire a gun with a 30-round clip.

But, of course, the GOP wants to talk about the fact that he used pot.


#9 01-11-11 6:02 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

The sheriff has nothing to do with mental health; that's the province of the local authorities and does anyone remember how Reagan abolished many of these facilities and thrust these patients out on the streets?  Mental health still has too small a budget, plus they must be informed of someone's instability, then what are they expected to do?  What's the alternative?

This guy had a police record and with his known mental problems, how in the world was he able to purchase a gun?  The lax laws in Arizona permit almost anyone to buy a gun and at gun shows, there is usally not a background check and if one has the money, he gets the gun.

How many innocent children in the past two weeks were killed, or killed others because adults were negligent, or gave the guns to these children? When there is a proliferation of guns, there will be more homicides.  Don't expect any help from the NRA.  Have they spoken up about this?  How could such an individual purchase a gund with 35 rounds of ammunition, like a submachinegun?  Some folks buy an AK-47 at such shows.  Makes you feel a lot safer?


#10 01-11-11 8:36 pm

Old Abe
Registered: 01-18-10
Posts: 106

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Tonight here in Canada on one of our CBC news shows they interviewed an arms dealer in Arizona and he was saying that sales of the Glock 19 (the gun used) has been very brisk since the shooting rampage.

This sounds so bizarre to us up here where handguns with that magazine capacity are prohibited and one can not carry a gun at all in most circumstances.

While there is no doubt that the shooter was deranged it is without argument that what Palin and others have been saying is incitement to violence.

The blood of the innocents is on the GOP's hands in this one, no doubt about it.


#11 01-11-11 9:40 pm

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

I will agree that if your campaign involves pictgures of your political opponents in bullseyes, and you say things like "if voting doesn't work, we have second amendment remedies," and said opponent is later shot, it will not be unexpected that peope will link you in their minds with that event.


#12 01-11-11 10:54 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

The famous ruling that one is not free to yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

There needs to be a new look at  the Becks and Palin who incite to violence.  That will be a major SCOTUS
ruling as it walks a fine line in the interpretation of the 2nd amendment.  Any suggestions?


#13 01-12-11 12:58 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Hey, all you that want to side with Chris Matthews, who felt a tingle up his leg when he heard Obama speak, go right ahead. Talk about nut jobs, check out his ratings. … oting.html

Also Google Jared Loughner and read some of his nonsense and tell me where you heard any of what he is spewing? Here one article that tells the tale of inadequate followup by Sheriffs like Mr. Dupnik and the community college that kicked him out until he had a psych eval. Notice the parents are even frustrated. … 6980.shtml

If Sarah Palin's cross hair map is wrong, then what about the Democratic bullseye map … e-map.html

In my opinion, SDAs in general are more afraid of Rightwingers than Leftwingers, because their eschatology can only be seen with the help of far right nutjobs. For a real picture of the political scene, draw a circle, at the base of that circle is where you would see a Ted Kennedy and a Rush Limbaugh sitting. Trouble is the politics are the ones that should be looking at communities like Tucson to see if their Sherrif is keeping the public safe. Read the goobly gook of Loughner and tell me who failed, Dupnik, by not getting this guy to a 72 hour lockup for evaluation. Mom and Dad could have done that to see what they  are dealing with, but my guess after the assessment Loughner would be in a insane ward before he killed an innocent 9year old and a attempted murder of one of the more moderates in the House. She use to be a Republican  and changed to Democrat. A pox on both their houses, THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL PROBLEM but a societal problem in Tucson, where was the followup after 5 incidents on the local comunity college campus.

Before you contiinue to say" Palin made me do it" look at this site: … e-map.html

And in the morning , we will have the benefit of Obama trying to settle things down when he in his own rhectoric in  the past said about the Republicans, "If they bring a knife, we'll bring a gun." I don't see any of you condemning those remarks.

Last edited by bob_2 (01-12-11 1:02 am)


#14 01-12-11 8:02 am

Old Abe
Registered: 01-18-10
Posts: 106

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Come on Bob be man enough to admit that Palin is a way out wingnut and should not even  have been on the GOP ticket back 2008 and certainly not to be considered presidential material ever.

How many more innocents must die before the USA comes to its senses and brings in some reasonable gun laws to keep firearms out of the hands of the insane.


#15 01-12-11 9:46 am

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Poor Bob.

More gobbledygook from right wing sites. And no one is claiming that Sarah Palin made anyone do anything. Just that her rhetoric and approach to politics is part of the problem. Of course, Bob has to go back to 6 years ago to find anything remotely comparable.

Here's a writer who was originally of the mindset that she wasn't at all to be blamed and revised his take slightly: … ust-myths/

And, Palin's campaign person coming out and claiming that they weren't crosshairs, they were surveying symbols is just plain silly: … qobsceneq-

But of course, Bob wouldn't even have a problem with this: … ional.html

"Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."


#16 01-12-11 3:02 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

This is the Sarah Palin I know, almost presidential. Lets see how Obama does tonight:

There is all sorts of crazy stuff that one can Google, but at least one of your authors of the clips says that Sarah Palin or anything she said did not have anything to do with this shooting, but goes on to say that rhetoric out their is part of this shameful event. But listen to his former best friend: … ews_b48040

Last edited by bob_2 (01-12-11 3:17 pm)


#17 01-12-11 3:08 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Blame Jesse Kelly if you wish, but notice, Loughner didn't read the paper or watch TV. Listen to his close friend and what he knew of the personality. Interesting the local gun store that sold the gun he used, felt uncomfortable selling it to him, and notice the police stopped him for running a red light the morning of the shooting and only gave him  a warning. Sounds to me like Tucson needs to tighten up their social network for a safety net to catch creeps like this. … ews_b48040

Further point, notice in the list of those Obama phoned was Sheriff Dupnik!!! What a loser, he blames anyone but his own lack of observation of the mentally ill in his community and get them some help.

Last edited by bob_2 (01-12-11 3:24 pm)


#18 01-12-11 4:49 pm

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

"blood libel"

Oy gevalt.


#19 01-12-11 5:27 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Yitzak and Ole Abe, read what a clinical psychiatrist, and pundit, says about this incident: … inionsbox1

He is a wise man.


#20 01-12-11 7:53 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Yitzak, Oy gevalt indeed. (though the translation of "Good grief")made me think of the Peanuts cartoon strip. Charles Kruthammer I think was right on, and Sarah Palin stated it in words, that this afternoon, approaching the memorial service, I have heard very little of  the accusation that Palin labelled what it is. Only the head, Cleaver,  of the Black Coalition and a few others cling to their absurdity, when a liberal left Congresswoman remains fighting for her life , and a rightwing Federal Judge  and a nine year old  girl are left dead. Can any political side claim such nonsense, that the rhetoric was what made a madman, that didn't like watching the news on TV, I believe that the stating what the liberal left have done, a blood libel, will serious- up those that follow anything left when they look up the history of the term "blood libel". Good for Palin to bring seriousness to a serious situation, pointing more about a country that has for years put the "nut-jobs" on the street and closed institutions that dealt with them. However, they sure found a jail cell quickly  for him when he acted out with a gun, rather than just incoherent words five times at the Community College.

Anybody else notice how quiet Sheriff Dupnik is being today, I say bravo Palin and Krauthammer!!!

Last edited by bob_2 (01-12-11 7:56 pm)


#21 01-12-11 9:13 pm

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

For Palin to compare the political reaction to her political statements to a blood libel is beyond ridiculous.

The blood libel has been part of systematic antisemitism that led to literally thousands of deaths. People criticising Palin is not at all the same as systematic bigotry against an entire race of people.

For her to make this comparison pretty much erases any sympathy I might have had for her. Whatever she is accusing her critics of doing, this blood libel nonsense is the same thing, only tenfold.

"Blood libel (also blood accusation) refers to a false accusation or claim that religious minorities, in European contexts almost always Jews, murder children to use their blood in certain aspects of their religious rituals and holidays. Historically, these claims have – alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration – been a major theme in European persecution of Jews."


#22 01-12-11 10:44 pm

Registered: 09-12-10
Posts: 78

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Further, Old Abe, on the off chance you make the mistake i made and watch the Sarah Palin clip.

You may find it somewhat confusing how quickly she turned this tragedy into a play about her where she was some combination of Anne Frank and Joan of Arc.

But David Frum, former speechwriter for George W Bush, has it pegged almost exactly right, I think: “You must always remember that no matter what happens, and no matter who it happens to, the real victim is always Sarah Palin.”


#23 01-13-11 3:19 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Yitzak, everything that you say to a Jew is  antisemitism, don't get hung up on it "always being the Jews" when it will be if they don't accept the Messiah for salvation.

Palin's point was that the blood shed at the Safeway market in Safeway, wasy the reponsiblity of the right wing that had just take the House over. Obama, Pelosi, and Hoyer didn't like that. So they "never let an atrocity go to waste. Its not about Palin, that not the only person or group that the left has accused of a "concocted blood libel. I think se was right on with her timing . Guess who sat behind the chair of the Black Coalition of the House, Mr. Cleaver, none other than Sheriff Dupnik. Birds of a feather: … cal-circus


#24 01-13-11 3:23 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Yitzak, everything that is said that differs with a Jew is  antisemitism, don't get hung up on it "always being the Jews", when it will be if they don't accept the Messiah for salvation.

Palin's point was that the blood shed at the Safeway market in Safeway, was the reponsiblity of the right wing that had just take the House over. Obama, Pelosi, and Hoyer didn't like that. So they "never let an atrocity go to waste. Its not about Palin, that not the only person or group that the left has accused of a "concocted blood libel. I think she was right on with her timing . Guess who sat behind the chair of the Black Coalition of the House at the Memorial service, Mr. Cleaver, none other than Sheriff Dupnik. Birds of a feather: … cal-circus


#25 01-13-11 3:31 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Latest Terrorist Threat

Note a prominent attorney agrees with Palin's  using "Blood libel" in this case. … 32014.html


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