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#1 07-31-09 12:46 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

"He Provided the Beer"

Were race relations advanced??? <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Race remains a prominent and sensitive issue in the United States, which has struggled to overcome a legacy of slavery, segregation and discrimination. <BR> <BR>Crowley said it as a private and frank discussion, adding he and Gates have different perspectives. <BR> <BR>&#34;I think what you had today was two gentlemen who agreed to disagree on a particular issue,&#34; Crowley told reporters. &#34;I don&#39;t think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future.&#34; <BR> <BR>Asked about the president&#39;s contribution to the meeting, Crowley said: &#34;He provided the beer.&#34; <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> E56U0KN20090731</a> <BR> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


#2 07-31-09 1:41 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

<b><font color="0000ff">Were race relations advanced?</font></b> <BR> <BR>All relations are advanced by a face to face meeting between people of goodwill. <BR> <BR>Take advantage of the moment. It is always a good idea to get together and talk. <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#3 07-31-09 7:00 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

Teachable moment? What was the lesson. Rudy tells it straight from the streets of NYC:  <BR> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> hut_Up.html</a> <BR> <BR>Scroll down and play the video. I think he is right, a cop has a job to do, and they can die, don&#39;t provoke them, they tend to think you are doing something wrong.


#4 07-31-09 7:26 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

<b><font color="0000ff">a cop has a job to do, and they can die, don&#39;t provoke them, they tend to think you are doing something wrong.</font></b> <BR> <BR>This is a hard lesson to learn. Sometimes a &#34;bully&#34; policeman acts that way because he is all pumped up and a little afraid? <BR> <BR>When living in Kentucky, I challenged a policeman who was incorrect in his message to me. He threatened to arrest me if I kept disagreeing with him. I dared him to. He did. Back at the police station, he found out I was right, but even then would not admit it. Meanwhile, I concluded that the idea of not provoking a police officer is wiser. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-&#41;" BORDER=0> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#5 07-31-09 7:33 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

Don, this wasn&#39;t about race. The original call thought the person may have been Hispanic. If you have proper ID, there is no problem, if you want to make a problem where it doesn&#39;t exist, I would say Obama and this professor did good jobs.


#6 07-31-09 9:36 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

Once Gates had proved he was in his own home, it was preposterous to handcuff and arrest him.  &#34;Disorderly conduct&#34; is limited to public places, not one&#39;s own home otherwise many of us could be arrested!


#7 08-02-09 2:26 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: &#34;He Provided the Beer&#34;

Thanks to my inside sources at the White House&#42;, I was able to receive a transcript of the Beer Summit that took place theother day between President Barack Obama, VP Joe Biden, scholar Henry Louis Gates, and police officer James Crowley. Here&#39;s how it all went down:  <BR> <BR>&#42; = which is to say, I&#39;m pretty sure this is what they probably said.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Hi, guys, thanks for coming to meet me. Let&#39;s all have a seat, grab a beer, and talk this over like rational, civilized adults.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: Sure. Thanks for inviting me.  <BR> <BR>GATES: Thank you, brother. I will enthusiastically declinate myself into a sitting apparatus, since my back is stooped from the white man&#39;s oppression.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Well said, sir. Well said.  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: I guess I&#39;m the thorn at this party! Get it? Thorn? In the Rose Garden? Come on, that&#39;s funny!  <BR> <BR>WAITER: What would you like to drink, sirs?  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: I&#39;ll take a Bud Light.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: I&#39;ll take a Blue Moon.  <BR> <BR>GATES: I&#39;ll take Carlsberg&#39;s Vintage #2, not the 1962 vintage, but rather the 1963, as it has a more delicate vanilla pastiche to it, and its tint is far more pleasing to the eye.  <BR> <BR>WAITER: Um, I don&#39;t think we have that.  <BR> <BR>GATES: Then I&#39;ll take a snifter of Sam Adamas Utopias, please, only make sure that it is well chilled so that I can enjoy the aromatic bouquet.  <BR> <BR>WAITER: I&#39;m sorry, sir, Ted Kennedy had our last bottle of that on his corn flakes this morning.  <BR> <BR>GATES: What kind of establishment are you running here, Barry?  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: I&#39;m so sorry, Skip. Do we have any beers worth drinking?  <BR> <BR>WAITER: I could bring him a Bud Light too, Mr. President.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Don&#39;t be stupid, you quivering idiot. This man has a refined palate! Skip, will you settle for a Red Stripe?  <BR> <BR>GATES: Better red than dead, huh? &#40;laughter&#41; Okay, Barry, just this once I&#39;ll take a Red Stripe.  <BR> <BR>WAITER: And for you, Mr. Vice President?  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: I&#39;d like a glass of onion juice. But make it shaken and not stirred.  <BR> <BR>WAITER: Ohhh-kay. I&#39;ll be right back.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Listen, officer Crowley, I want to put you at ease right away-  <BR> <BR>GATES: Then you might want to bring in some banjo-playing rednecks and a few bosomy cousins for him to ogle.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: I&#39;m not trying to assign any blame or force anyone to do anything. But what we want to do is to help to calm this situation down a little bit and refocus the nation on important matters, like securing my legacy as the greatest president in history.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: I understand that, sir, and I appreciate it.  <BR> <BR>GATES: The best way to calm this down is for you to get down on your knees, apologize, and come to grips with the fact that I&#39;m a highly-educated scholar who&#39;s tight with the president and you&#39;re just some redneck cop. Can I get a boo-yeah?  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Boo-yeah!  <BR> <BR>GATES: Do you understand now?  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: With all due respect, I&#39;m an officer of the civil authorities charged with keeping the peace and upholding the law. All I want is to be able to go about my business with a minimum of abuse and threats.  <BR> <BR>GATES: I never threatened you, you jive-talking honkey!  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: I think what Skip means is that your pettiness and foolishness has endangered my presidency and put my health-care plan in jeopardy. Don&#39;t you want to ensure that we can have health care for those most vulnerable in our society?  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: Did you know urine is sterile? That&#39;s why I drink three quarts of it a day.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: I&#39;m not apologizing for anything, Mr. President. It&#39;s incumbent on everyone to cooperate with police officers in their investigations, and it&#39;s even more important that high-profile members of society do so in order to set a good example.  <BR> <BR>GATES: Don&#39;t you understand? I&#39;m an elite! There are special rules for us! We get to do what we want! I can have you crushed under my heel any time that I please! Your existence is contingent upon our sufferance, not the other way around!  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: The only problem is I can&#39;t pee three quarts a day, so I have to buy some of it on the open market.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Now, Jimmy. I can call you Jimmy, can&#39;t I?  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: No.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Jimmy, don&#39;t be unreasonable. Consider our shared Irish heritage and do the right thing. Just apologize for being racist and we&#39;ll let bygones be bygones.  <BR> <BR>GATES: After you&#39;re fired and you attend 100 hours of African-American studies under my strict tutelage.  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: And you wouldn&#39;t believe how gross the open-air urine market is.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: I&#39;m not a racist!  <BR> <BR>GATES: You&#39;re white. Ergo, you&#39;re racist. You can&#39;t help it. It&#39;s in your genes.  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: If it&#39;s in the genes, and the president&#39;s half-white, then he&#39;s half-racist?  <BR> <BR>GATES: It&#39;s not mathematics! It&#39;s science! You wouldn&#39;t understand!  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Jimmy, see reason! You&#39;re ruining my presidency! I need this apology! If I can&#39;t make you kowtow, what hope do I have with the Iranians?  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: No apology.  <BR> <BR>GATES: See? I told you not to negotiate with hostile regimes. You should have just nuked him when you had the chance.  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Okay, Jimmy. But remember that you asked for the living hell that your life is about to become. I&#39;m going to make you wish that you were a simple plumber or beauty pageant contestant. Joseph, unleash the dogs of war!  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: You mean Perez Hilton?  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: No, use our propaganda machine to destroy this man. Joe, call MSNBC.  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: Yes, my dark master! Jimmy, prepare to be ravaged by the fifth-rated news program in the country!  <BR> <BR>OBAMA, GATES, and BIDEN: Mwu-hahahahaha!  <BR> <BR>CROWLEY: Can I go now?  <BR> <BR>OBAMA: Not yet. You have to pay for your beer. Put your wallet away, Skip: Joe&#39;s picking up our tab.  <BR> <BR>BIDEN: Do you think they have change for a fifteen dollar bill? I bought six billion dollar&#39;s worth of them with stimulus money.

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


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