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#26 08-31-09 1:24 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 174

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

Okay, John.....lets play your concern out.  So....someone goes to Hawaii, checks out Obama&#39;s birth certificate and finds it to be false,  then what do we do?   <BR> <BR>Joe Biden would probably be the man who would step in to take Obama&#39;s place.  Would Obama resign in disgrace?  Would we push fo McCain, who wasn&#39;t able to win the election?   <BR> <BR>I know!!  We&#39;ll put Sarah Palin in.  Well, no.  She couldn&#39;t even finish out her term in Alaska. <BR> <BR>Hey, maybe you would step in.  At least we know you have a US birth certificate.  Yep, that would work.  I&#39;ll vote for you.


#27 08-31-09 1:40 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

So John, maybe you could write an article, and a trip to Hawaii to check it out would be tax deductible.  Dareya!


#28 08-31-09 2:53 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

there are three types of people in the world of business, maybe even politics... <BR> <BR>1&#41;  probably by far the minority are those who are so naive as to be honest because they do not know any better!!!  or were raised very religious, and don&#39;t want to go to ell if their Bud is not there. <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR>Or have made a decision that its better to be honest and forthright because they are not good liars, and will be found out later anyway. <BR> <BR>we can deal with them, tho sometimes it takes a bit of splaining to get them to understand. <BR> <BR>2&#41;  the out and out dishonest and aggressive, who tell you how and what they do....the Donald Trumps and Tony Soprano&#39;s of the world, who notify you that their money is in your pocket, and here is how they propose to take it. <BR> <BR>You can still deal with the devil, when you know whom you are dealing with. <BR> <BR>3&#41; unfortunately, the majority of folks are somewhere in between.... the tricky Dicks and Billsters of the world who will profess to be honest while seeing how they can get/take advantage over you yet deny that they have been <BR>doing wrong <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>right now I can&#39;t think of enuf politicians who fit #1,  but we all know a lot of them who do number 2 all over us..... and you don&#39;t know which ones are real... <BR> <BR>at least if we proved O to be as unreal as some believe, then we would at least know we are dealing with a third rate type who claims to do and be #1 while doing #2 to us.

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#29 08-31-09 5:10 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

We probably just buried one of the last honest politicians:  he didn&#39;t need the money, he was assured of the votes; he spoke against greed and was for the common man; and realized that &#34;Rome wasn&#39;t built in a day&#34; and was willing to gradually and incrementally introduce change.  May we continue what he so valiantly fought for. <BR> <BR>Barney Frank is another outspoken politician who dared to call this idiot lady&#39;s bluff when she huffed about &#34;Nazis.&#34;  Would there were more like him who called things as they are, and not like McCain who didn&#39;t correct the crazy person who made insane claims about Obama or the healthcare.  Did anone publicly correct the idiot senior citizen who yelled &#34;Keep the government hands off my Medicare&#34;--he should be sent to the looney bin,.


#30 08-31-09 6:39 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

<b><font size="+1">The End of the Kennedy Era</font></b> <BR> <BR>To whom has the torch been passed--all that he accomplished in his lifetime is a legacy few will be capable or willing to try.  He had nothing to lose:  not money, nor position, nor worldly recognition, but just the fight for those less fortunate.  Their father made his money during Prohibition running booze, but he, along with, and probably more influential their mother, Rose, instilled in the family that to whom much had been given, much more should be returned, and they lived constantly with that motto.  <BR> <BR>The rights of the oppressed wherever:  the disabled, blacks, women, and those denied the opportunities with which they had been so abundantly blessed, Ted sought to  restore to those less fortunate.  We will not soon see his likes again.


#31 08-31-09 9:07 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

<font color="0000ff">We probably just buried one of the last honest politicians:</font> <BR> <BR>you canNOT mean Teddie!!!!!!!!! <BR> <BR>he had affairs away from his his brothers... rumor even had it he was seeing jackie before Aristotle bought her. <BR> <BR>killed mary Jo while drunk <BR> <BR>refused to call anyone about the accident until his breath could get rid of the alcohol <BR> <BR>his family bribed people all over Marxist Vinyard to shut up about the death, and the DUI <BR> <BR>my HS friends roommate who was one of the &#34;party pavors&#34; on the island received a year long cruise get her away from reporters.  and a Jag one year later for shutting up <BR> <BR>Kennedy didn&#39;t just divorce his wife...he had the church give him an anullment!!!  which is only given for early marriages which have not been consumated!!! and he wangled it from the church - even after having kids!!! <BR> <BR>he pushed the Mass legislature to change the law back when Kerry was running for Pres... if Kerry had won, then MitT ROmney would have been able under the current law to appoint a republican for his seat!!! <BR> <BR>so kennedy had the law changed to require an open election within 5 months of the vacancy... <BR>thereby taking a political plum from the Republicans...deliberately and immorally changing a law just for political reasons. <BR> <BR>just before his passing, it was revealed he dishonestly wanted it changed again.... take the vote away from the people, and give it back to the governor..since our black gov is now a bought and paid for Dem...rumor locally is that Kennedy wanted his new wife, Vicky,  appointed in his place!!! <BR>the woman with whom he had the affair leading to the impossible anullment and his later marriage to her. <BR> <BR>if he is your standard of an &#34;honest politician&#34;, <BR>then God help us!!! <BR> <BR>and Barney Frank?  biggest sleazeball around.. <BR> <BR>he assisted his boyfriend &#40;emphasis on the first syllable&#41; to run an illegal male sex ring out of his Boston apartment!!! <BR> <BR>got another of his boy toys a job at the FDIC for mucho bucks <BR> <BR>has lied about trying to reform the FNMA...mof, the Bush admin tried to get congress to stop some of the more egregious problems, but Frank wanted everybody to participate in the American dream of home ownership, and pushed FNMA to buy up ever bigger liar loans... <BR> <BR>so that our inner cities where the minorities bought overpriced homes, the forclosure rate is enormous... Frank could have stopped it, but he put his money &#40;that&#39;s FNMA&#39;s salary&#41; where his gay intentions went... to his boytoy at FNMA. <BR> <BR>Elaine!! you gotta stop believing the liar media!!!   and listen to Fox News!!!! <BR> <BR><font color="0000ff">Ted sought to restore to those less fortunate. We will not soon see his likes again.</font> <BR> <BR>Ted inherited riches beyond his ability to spend it...and kept it all... <BR> <BR>the largesse he spread around to the less fortunate, was your and my money!!! <BR> <BR>he was only generous with other peoples, tax dollars....he never worked a day in his spoiled sailor boy life with the money he inherited from his fathers booze running operations.... <BR> <BR>and this is one of your heros? <BR> <BR>he did work hard as a senator...probably to make up for drunkenly killing Mary Joe, lying about the events, anulling his marriage after kids, and to prove his worth after his older brothers. <BR> <BR>and he had a great staff....anybody who wrote to him got a reply, with a hand written note and signature &#40;that looked like his writing!!!&#41; <BR> <BR>but he also opposed a wind project off the coast..didn&#39;t want it in his front much for his eco friendly ideas!!! <BR> <BR>hopefully, now we can get along with that.... <BR>electricity for half the cost of imported oil power with no carbon in the air!!! <BR> <BR>and he pushed Bostons Big Dig...great for us locals... 15 BILLION dollars into local hands... <BR>much of it coming from Federal taxes on you and anybody outside Mass!!!   is that fair?  honest? <BR>eco friendly?  shudda been mass transit...not more roads. <BR> <BR><font color="0000ff">We will not soon see his likes again.</font> <BR>after a suitable time of mourning, I will opine... <BR> <BR>...GOOD!!

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#32 08-31-09 10:11 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Is Obama an Anarchist ???

There is no one, who doesn&#39;t have skeletons in his closet.  It is the one who proves by his life that he has overcome them, rather than wallowing in them.  Yes, all public figures have feet of clay, some more so than others.  Just as we do not judge a book by its cover but its contents, we should do that with people.   <BR> <BR>We have a choice:  we can focus on all the bad experiences of his life, and that will be non-productive; the other choice is to focus on the good that someone has accomplished so that it eventually will outlast the bad.  It&#39;s a choice we all make of others; would that we are judged equally.   <BR> <BR>Would you prefer to be remembered at your passing of the worst episodes of life, or the better.  It&#39;s a choice we all make.


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