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#1 07-21-09 5:28 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

The Terrible Adventist Dilemma

<b><font size="+1">The Terrible Adventist Dilemma </font></b> <BR> <BR>Daniel 8:11-12 says that the &#34;little horn&#34; was the one who &#34;cast down&#34; the &#34;sanctuary.&#34; In the context of Daniel 8, it is the &#34;little horn&#34; that made such a mess of the sanctuary that it needed to be cleansed and vindicated.  <BR> <BR>Here is the Terrible Adventist Dilemma: The Adventists claim that the &#34;cleansing of the sanctuary&#34; refers to the Day of Atonement process of Leviticus 16, wherein the sins of Israel are cleansed by the blood of Christ. Unfortunately, nowhere in Daniel 8 do we find that it is the sins of Israel that have desecrated the Sanctuary. On the contrary, it is the &#34;little horn&#34; power that has desolated the Sanctuary! Therefore, the cleansing of the Sanctuary as described in Daniel 8, cannot refer to the Day of Atonement; rather, it refers to the restoration of the sanctuary that was trampled upon by the little horn power!  <BR> <BR>This puts the Adventists in a terrible dilemma! Daniel 8 says the Sanctuary was desecrated by the little horn; yet SDA&#39;s say it was desecrated by the sins of God&#39;s people! It is impossible for both to be true. Either the sanctuary was polluted by the little horn &#40;as described in Daniel 8&#41; or it was polluted by the sins of God&#39;s people. Which is it?  <BR> <BR>SDA scholar Dr. Raymond Cottrell explains the Terrible Adventist Dilemma:  <BR> <BR>&#34;The context of Daniel 8:14 attributes the defiling of the sanctuary to the little horn. SDA&#39;s interpretation attributes it to the transfer of confessed sins to the heavenly sanctuary by the priestly ministry of Christ. To pretend to ourselves that the SDA interpretation reads Daniel 8:14 in context then would thus be to identify the little horn as Christ. In other words, we can&#39;t have both the context and the Adventist interpretation in so far as the Bible itself is concerned.&#34; &#40;Cottrell as quoted in Daniel 8:14 by Desmond Ford, pp. A-115-116&#41;  <BR>If one is going to be consistent with SDA logic and say that the cleansing of the sanctuary was the Day of Atonement, then one is forced to conclude that Christ and His people are the little horn power that polluted the sanctuary! This is a heretical conclusion and leaves the SDAs in a dilemma from which it is impossible to extricate themselves.


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