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#1 03-19-09 10:19 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

What Moses didn't know.....

among many things which have since been disproven, like thinking the earth was flat,  Moses didn&#39;t know that there is a salt mine under Lake Erie!!!  Interestingly, Darwin p;robably didn&#39;t know either!!!   That is what is so fascinating about the onward march of knowledge andscience in our information age!!! <BR> <BR>program today on the History Channel showcased SALT.... and devoted a section to exploring a mine 2000 feet UNDER Lake Erie where they are mining salt...  the halite kind.... which only results from evaporation of a salt sea.... <BR> <BR>this salt is mined to use as road salt to melt snow  and rust our cars in the NE.... <BR> <BR>but strangely,  it is found in large quantities deep beneath Cleveland and Detroit, much of it directly under Lake Erie!!!! <BR> <BR>Halite ONLY forms when a salt water basin evaporates...leaving behind the salt crystals which had been disolved in the salt water basin... <BR> <BR>so at one time, long before Adam and Eve, there had to be a salt water basin in the Cleveland area...which evaporated to halite salt.... <BR> <BR>then the area was tectonically lowered to below sea level, and a shallow sea drained in,  with giga billions of tiny marine animals eating, breeding, and dying, droping their calcareous shells to the bottrom of the shallow sea, which, after compression due to more layers above, became LIMESTONE....which is the predominant under lying bedrock in the area now... and which is under the current Lake Erie. <BR> <BR>question:   how do creationists &#39;splain this? <BR> <BR>the evilutionists would suggest: <BR> <BR>a sea dried out, with salt evaporite resulting in a thick layer of salt,  then it was covered with giga billions of tiny marine animals made into limestone as a shallow sea rolled in,  then , after the limestone was again raised above sea level, huge southward grinding melting glaciers carved depressions in the ground and left meltwater forming the Great Lakes.... <BR> <BR>but that is the geologists theory.... <BR> <BR>I wonder what Baumgartner has to say?   And answers in Genesis.... <BR> <BR>how do they splain these pics: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> 2.html</a> <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by john8verse32 on March 19, 2009&#41;

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#2 03-24-09 11:02 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: What Moses didn&#39;t know.....

How the Earth was Made..... <BR>a special series of programs on the History Channel... <BR> <BR>this weeks episode: <BR>the Great lakes...and visiting a salt mine underneath the Great Lakes!!!! <BR> <BR>How the Earth Was Made: TV Listings <BR> <BR>Next episode: HIST, Tue, Mar 24 9:00 PM <BR>Great Lakes New <BR>The formation of the Great Lakes is examined. Included: explorations of an underground salt mine and a fossilized coral reef; and a dive to the bottom of Lake Superior. <BR> <BR>  also, preceeding Great Lakes is last weeks episode: <BR> <BR>Channel Date & Time Episode  <BR>HIST 58 Tue, Mar 24 <BR>8:00 PM New York <BR>The geological history of New York City is explored, including the rocks below the surface of NY...  <BR> <BR>upcoming programs: <BR>HIST 58 Tue, Mar 31 <BR>9:00 PM Yellowstone  <BR>Exploring Yellowstone National Park and the dangerous supervolcano below its surface.  <BR> <BR>past programs have included  <BR> <BR>...the San Andreas Fault, explaining how drifting continents change the surface of the earth... <BR> <BR>...the Marianas trench, visiting the deepest place on earth....a fault in the Pacific where the Pacific plate subducts under the Orient, creating their volcanoes. <BR> <BR>...the Atacoma Desert...explaining how faults and crustal movement have raised up mountains, notably the Andes, over millions of years, unlike the disproven Baumgartner &#34;theory&#34;

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#3 05-22-09 3:41 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: What Moses didn&#39;t know.....

Moses didn&#39;t even know that these questions existed!!!  the 10 greatest mysteries in science: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>I think the above list kinda explains why my interests tend more toward science than ancient campfire stories: <BR> <BR>modern science admits that it still has questions that have not been fully answered, and thus the fundamental motivation to keep looking is all powerful to a scientist. <BR> <BR>while <BR> <BR>those who choose to believe ancient scripts over science believe they have already found everything they need,  and tend to reject any need for further explanations which disagree with their fundamental beliefs. <BR> <BR>except for a few &#40;on litium?&#41; who claim to believe both!!!  like Collins? <BR> <BR>Answers in Genesis, a fery fundy web site, claims it is not posible to compromise!!!! <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>begin quotes: <BR>b{ <BR>It is true that in this era of history, people are asking questions about Genesis, as they recognize that if Genesis is not true, how can one trust any of God’s Word? Collins is offering them answers that will only further undermine biblical authority—AiG is giving answers that stand on biblical authority, and, as a result, so many have testified they became Christians or rededicated their lives.} <BR> <BR>Collins suggests: <BR><font color="0000ff">Perhaps God used the evolutionary process to equip humankind with language, free will and culture, and then revealed God’s will to individuals or a community so that they might then enter into meaningful relationship with God through obedience, prayer and worship. In this scenario, the evolutionary process is necessary but not sufficient to encompass the biblical teaching on the image of God . . . .</font> <BR> <BR>The person who teaches this is Dr. Francis Collins, the scientist well known for his leadership in the Human Genome project. Dr. Collins is a member of the BioLogos team, which is described on their website as: <BR> <BR>. . . a team of believing scientists who are committed to promoting a perspective of both theological and scientific soundness, which takes seriously the claims of theism and of evolution, and finds compelling evidence for their compatibility. <BR> <BR>The BioLogos website received a grant from the liberal &#40;though relatively morally conservative&#41; John Templeton Foundation &#40;by the way, such a foundation would never support an organization like Answers in Genesis that stands uncompromisingly on the authority of God’s Word&#41;. The above quotes come from the website. <BR> <BR>An article in Time magazine about Collins and this new website said that Collins received many emails after the publication of his book about the human genome project &#40;and his belief in evolution&#41; asking numerous questions—many about Genesis—the same sorts of questions we receive at Answers in Genesis.  <BR> <BR><b>Sadly, Collins and his group are destructive to biblical authority and are leading so many people astray.</b> The Time magazine article stated: <BR> <BR><font color="ff6000">After his best-selling The Language of God came out three years ago, Collins began receiving thousands of e-mails—primarily from other Evangelicals—asking questions about how to reconcile scriptural teachings with scientific evidence. <BR> <BR>“Many of these Christians have been taught that evolution is wrong,” Collins explains. “They go to college and get exposed to data, and then they’re thrust into personal crises of great intensity. If the church was wrong about the origins of life, was it wrong about everything? Some of them walk away from science or faith—or both.”</font> <BR> <BR>Actually we find exactly the opposite. It is compromisers like Colllins who cause people to doubt and disbelieve the Bible—causing them to walk away from the church. In fact, in a new book to be released in three weeks &#40;entitled: Already Gone&#41;, we report on well documented research that confirms this. <BR> <BR>The Time magazine article continues: <BR> <BR><font color="ff6000">Collins . . . decided to gather a group of theologians and scientists to create the BioLogos Foundation in order to foster dialogue between the two sides. The name—combining bios &#40;Greek for “life”&#41; and logos &#40;“the word”&#41;—is also what Collins calls his blended theory of evolution and creation, an approach he hopes can replace intelligent design, which he derides as “not a scientific proposal” and “not good theology either.” <BR> <BR>. . . As he read through the thousands of e-mails he received from readers of his book, the former NIH scientist noticed that there were 25 or so common questions that his mostly Evangelical correspondents raised. How should Christians respond to Darwin? If God created the universe, who or what created God? Does believing in science mean one can’t believe in miracles? What is up with Noah’s Ark and the flood? The new website offers answers to these vexing questions and, through those responses lays out the BioLogos theory that God chose to create the world by way of evolution.</font> <BR> <BR>It is so sad to note that according to Time magazine, “Collins plans to build on that work by developing a home-schooling curriculum that can serve as an alternative to the literalist creationism materials widely used by many conservative Evangelical parents.” If the home schooling movement adopts such a curriculum, they will certainly lose the next generation they are attempting to train up for the Lord. <BR> <BR>It is also no surprise that as the Time magazine article states: <BR> <BR><font color="ff6000">A large slice of the questions deal with Genesis, the first book in both Christian and Jewish Scriptures, and the text that explains the creation and population of Earth, and well as the relationship between God and man. Some answers are straightforward, as with the mystery of where Cain’s wife came from. “The scientific evidence suggests a dramatically larger population at this point in history,” conclude Collins . . . .</font> <BR> <BR>It is true that in this era of history, people are asking questions about Genesis, as they recognize that <b><i>if Genesis is not true, how can one trust any of God’s Word?</i> Collins is offering them answers that will only further undermine biblical authority</b>—AiG is giving answers that stand on biblical authority, and, as a result, so many have testified they became Christians or rededicated their lives. <BR> <BR>AiG stands unapologetically on the authority of the Word of God. How <b>we need to pray that Collins and his group will repent of their compromise and return to biblical authority.</b> They honor man’s fallible ideas instead of God’s infallible Word. <BR> <BR>The Time magazine article can be found at: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top>,8599,1895284,00.html</a> <BR> <BR>As we have often said over the years, the compromising Christians are much more of a problem in the culture than the atheists. No wonder the church is in big trouble in this nation. <BR>end or article <BR> <BR>so there you have matter how much lithium you take, one side of this discussion says dogmatically that you cannot compromise at all.  The side which says you should not even study the other side!!! <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


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