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#1 04-10-09 1:38 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Unique Adventist Doctrines

Can you name off the unique doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church..... OK that&#39;s enough time here they are according to Adventist World, an article by Kwabena Donkor, associate director of the Biblical Research Institute at the GC: <BR> <BR>1. Post Advent Millenium <BR> <BR>2. The Seventh Day Sabbath <BR> <BR>3. Christ&#39;s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary <BR> <BR>4. The preadvent judgment <BR> <BR>5. The three angels&#39; messages of Rev 14 <BR> <BR>6  The conditional immortality of the soul.  <BR> <BR>First, did you know this was a unique list??? I was always told the Sancturay message was the only unique message and there was no way the SDA church was going to give it up. What do you all think of this list????


#2 04-10-09 5:54 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Tithe &#40;Mormons, do, but few others make it a test&#41;. <BR> <BR>Dietary laws &#40;clean & unclean meat&#41;. <BR> <BR>If you check, the Sabbath, tithe, state of the dead, the IJ &#40;2300-day prophecy&#41; ALL come straight from the OT, not the Christian Bible &#40;NT&#41;.


#3 04-10-09 7:24 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Come on Elaine, do you know of anyone kicked out of the SDA church for not tithing? It doesn&#39;t happen. Only gossip prevails when the wron people are in charge of receiving the funds. <img src="" border=0>


#4 04-10-09 9:55 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Ask Renie, she told such a story of her church. <BR> <BR>No church employee can maintain his employment without paying tithe, so for them it is a choice of tithe-paying or holding their job.  Ask your brother, Don. <BR> <BR>Have you known anyone thrown out for not keeping the Sabbath?  This seems to the third rail of Adventism, which is the &#34;test.&#34;  One may not agree on the IJ or 2300 day-prophecy or any others, but this will get you the left foot of disfellowship, which is why it is THE MOST important SDA beliefs.


#5 04-10-09 9:56 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Also, whether it&#39;s one of the 28 or not, divorce at one time resulted in loss of SDA membership.  Things do change!


#6 04-10-09 10:32 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Tithe may mean you can&#39;t hold certain positions, but I have never heard of anyone kicked out of the church for not tithing. Sabbath keeping, they seem to have more control over if you are working a secular job on Saturday. My wife&#39;s best friend in high school, one of our academies, her father was never allowed into the church because his job was in a brewery in Milwaukee. Probably rightfully so. But I will guarantee you, that you can get a greater spiritual blessing in other &#34;realms&#34;, other churches that have beliefs similar to ours, short of the Sabbath. Calvary Chapel comes to mind and some non-denominational New Covenant Theology holding churches like Mark Martin&#39;s church in Phoenix. Which as I look at his site, is Calvary Chapel: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> ult.aspx</a>


#7 04-10-09 10:34 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

For Ryan&#39;s benefit, I am not promoting another church with that last post, but given someone that is refused or booted from SDA fellowship, I am mercifully pointing out there are other options.


#8 04-10-09 10:40 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Elaine, our NT belief should have it&#39;s roots in the OT, but it is now obsolete as Heb 8:13 points out.  <BR> <BR>By the way tithing and vegetarianism are not unique to SDAs, and by the way, I never got kicked out as the Band President at our Academy for serving meat hotdogs at the house of our Band Director.  <BR> <BR>Divorce stance is usually to protect the innocent. If you cheated on your spouse plan on worshipping elsewhere after any apology public or private asked for by the Bible.


#9 04-10-09 10:47 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

I knew a policeman that had Friday night detail and was accepted at one church and not the other, both SDA. Go figure.  <BR> <BR>If I was advising someone coming to Christ, that is what I would ask him, what is your relationship with Christ, and go get baptized where they want to know just that. Immersion or sprinkling, it is a symbol. The discription of Jesus baptism does not have Him fully immersed, does it??? <BR> <BR>The argument here is a little like the wine at communion. Which refrigerator did the Welches come from and in the case of baptism how could Paul have immersed the jailer&#39;s family in a house with no plumbing? <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by Bob_2 on April 10, 2009&#41;


#10 04-11-09 4:54 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 174

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

The tithing episode still leaves me angry.  I still go  to church since the members are my church family and mean a lot to me.  But we lost the member who was not allowed to hold office because she had no record of having paid a tithe. She is so angry she will never come back.  We lost someone who was a champion for doing community work, prison ministry, She sang, she preached as an elder, she taught a sabbath school class.  We lost a real blessing from her. <BR> <BR>As for the man who worked in a brewery, I would welcome him with open arms, encourage him and ignore his profession.  Some things we need to leave to God. <BR> <BR>renie


#11 04-11-09 5:03 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

If an employee of the SDA church does not pay tithe, they can keep him from holding a position in the SDA church, at least certain positions. Not sure of the rules.  <BR> <BR>We stand against alchol as a church, they will be consistent when people produce the product. As I said, there are other ways to accept Christ then through the SDA church, and have a beer with supper, IMO.


#12 04-13-09 4:20 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Please name a made in America religion that does not depend upon a primary source other than the canon? <BR> <BR>Christian Science? <BR> <BR>Scientology? <BR> <BR>Jehovah&#39;s Witnesses? <BR> <BR>Mormon&#39;s? <BR>Schofield&#39;s dispensationalism--&#40;Darby&#41; &#40;90% of the TV/Mega-Church devotees.&#41; <BR> <BR>The Disciples of Christ? &#40;close&#41; <BR> <BR>Seventh-day Adventist? &#40;Throw out Great Controversy pages 355- onward and what do you have but a mix of Luther, Calvin, and Wesley.&#41;


#13 04-13-09 4:34 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Your point? None of those, if taken seriously make their major points on extrabiblical sources. They are considered sects or cults. We as SDAs have been through that. I think it was clarified, at least most people no longer refer to SDAs as a cult, not true of Mormons.  <BR> <BR>Even if Dispensationalism is the main reason for support the Jews, Bible texts are the main source of that support, not extrabiblical sources.


#14 04-13-09 9:54 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Where do SDAs get their position on the IJ and last day events if not from extrabiblical sources &#40;aka Great Controversy&#41;?


#15 04-14-09 12:00 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Unique Adventist Doctrines

Who&#39;s vouching for the IJ? The last day events aren&#39;t just in the Great Controversey but in the Bible also. I have said for some time that EGW is irrelevant for some time. The Bible is not. I think you want it to be also, per your arguments. <BR> <BR>You play a dangerous game, tearing down, deconstructing the Bible, then, you may have a hard time putting what you believe back together again. There is harmony of the books of the Bible. Place the notes on the page as you, and your mind see fit, and the tune will sour.


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