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#1 04-04-09 9:33 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

Debaptism and the Echo of Original Sin <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>The BBC article noted that the Church of England’s Archbishops’ Council assured everyone that baptism is not an indication of church membership and only church members are counted. <BR> <BR>That being the case, the question, “Why bother?” has been asked by both Christians and atheists. According to an article on Religious Intelligence, Sanderson noted, “There’s been a lot of criticism even from atheists about it, saying ‘what are you bothering with this for, if you don’t believe it, what difference does it make doing away with it?’” <BR> <BR>According to the article, Sanderson responded that the popularity of the certificate demonstrates “the need for the sacramental.”  He observed, “It’s always in the background everybody has still got that residual echo of religion in their heads even if they rejected it intellectually.” <BR> <BR>But rather than being “residual,” that “echo of religion” is primal.  <BR> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR>Should there be a &#34;debaptism&#34; service for those baptized against their will as children and now atheistic in their view???


#2 04-04-09 1:32 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

So how is church membership counted?  Aren&#39;t they all baptized as infants?  Did they have a choice in that?  There are so few church attendees in England that this is a non-question. <BR> <BR>If church attendance was the basis for being religious in the U.S., what would the record show?  Even in Adventism?


#3 04-04-09 2:56 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

This question is only for those who take their religion serious, unlike Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden who are Catholic ProChoicers. At least as far as their voting record.


#4 04-04-09 4:44 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 174

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

We ALL comprimise our religious beliefs at some time or other. <BR> <BR>Do you buy gas on the sabbath?  With Nancy it may be pro-choice.  With you or me, it might be buying some pop on the sabbath, or owning a $200,000 home when we could live in a double-wide and give more to missions.  How about the man who consented to a pig valve for heart surgery, but probably wouldn&#39;t eat a pork chop. <BR> <BR>I am guilty of doing some of the above &#40;except for the $200,000 home&#41;  so I can&#39;t throw any stones at Nancy or Joe. <BR> <BR>renie


#5 04-04-09 7:31 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

As long as you aren&#39;t too hard on the other side, ie Republicans when they feel strongly about their feelings, or might be inconsistent. Joe Biden hasn&#39;t had much good to say about Bush/Cheney and I don&#39;t have much good to say about Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Reid. So I guess you&#39;ll have to excuse me. When Bush was trying to solve the Social Security mess, Pelosi and Reid refused to start on the issue, SO, I say they deserve their position right now. They have been obstructionists too  long, at least the last two years and longer, IMO.


#6 04-04-09 10:01 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 174

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

Well, I&#39;m with you on Pelosi and Reid.  I really  get frustrated with them. <BR> <BR>renie


#7 04-04-09 10:37 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

And you would have been happy with Bush&#39;s privatization of Social Security?  With the financial crisis now, where would your retirement be except down the tubes?  Thank God it didn&#39;t make sense the the legislature either.


#8 04-04-09 11:50 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

My impression was he was at least trying to get them to talk. Enough people would probably have said, we will talk  about funding but privatizing without guarantees is out of the question, without a safetynet.  <BR> <BR>But now, down the road a few more years Social Security won&#39;t reconcile any easier, even with privatization off the table, eh, Elaine????


#9 04-05-09 8:05 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

That&#39;s because it has been robbed and filled with I.O.U.s by the very government that was supposed to keep it &#34;safe.&#34;


#10 04-06-09 2:44 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

Now Elaine, I would have been more happy if they would have started working on this problem when Bush went around the country having town hall meetings, a least we would be closer to a solution.


#11 04-06-09 6:53 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

<b> least we would be closer to a solution. </b>} <BR> <BR>What indications do you have for that assumption?


#12 04-07-09 12:02 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

I guess they could have done nothing all this time, but anything to get some revenue in the &#34;lock box&#34; would help.


#13 04-07-09 9:19 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Debaptism - Ever had the desire to reverse it???

Don&#39;t forget that all employees, whether legal or illegal immigrants, are funding SS and paying withholding taxes.


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