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#1 08-25-12 12:25 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Sabbath School Univerity

If you are an Adventist that has a critical mind you will love this study. When talking of the State of the Dead. One of the ladies is asked by the facilitator what is like to live like an Adventist. She says that as an Adventist we uniquely expect Christ to return to uniquely get us. HUH???  All Christians that believe in the Second Coming believe this. What do you think???


#2 09-03-12 9:27 pm

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: Sabbath School Univerity

Baptist Belief: … tdenom.htm
The Second Coming - Baptists generally believe in the literal Second Coming of Christ when God will judge and divide between the saved and the lost and Christ will judge believers, rewarding them for acts done while living on earth. … Coming.htm
The rapture will come unexpected.   It is like it was in Noah's day.   He preached righteousness for 120 years, but the people rejected his message from the Lord.    But then the rain began and it was too late for them.     Christ is being preached now, but most people still reject the Lord's mercy and grace.    People at the time of the rapture will be living their normal lives and suddenly will find themselves in the midst of the judgments of God and "left behind."

The battles (plural) which happen at Meggido (Jezeel Valley) end with the Second Coming.   Armies from the east (China, etc) will cross the Euphrate river and attack Israel and the armies of the Antichrist.    It is actually a series of battles....which end with Christ's sudden Second Coming in which he destroys all these armies.    As they see the Lord coming in the air the armies turn from fighting among themselves to attack the Lord, and He destroys them all and only believers Jews and Gentiles are left on earth.

The key to properly understanding them is to understand that the Tribulation is God beginning once again to work with the nation of Israel and also people on the earth.   He in this present dispensation (church age)is working with the Gentiles and not with Israel as a nation. The next prophetic event will be the rapture.  At the end of the seven year Tribulation the Lord will give Israel the land He promised them and He will rule the world for thousand years (millennium) on the throne of David and Israel will be the dominate nation on earth.
I have just presented Baptist belief. It is quite different from Adventist belief. It would be interesting to find what other evangelicals believe. Generally The Adventist belief in the Second Coming of Christ is very different from what other protestants believe.
1. Adventists believe that futurism and the "secret rapture" are errors.
2. Adventists believe that the final judgment is going on NOW, it will soon be finished, and probation will close.
3. Christ's second coming will be with a shout, the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God. There will be millions of angels accompanying Him. It will be a noisy event.
4. Christ will not touch the earth at this time.


#3 09-04-12 11:35 am

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: Sabbath School Univerity

How ironic that today the Baptists embrace a literal 2nd Coming.  When William Miller first promoted this doctrine in the 1830’s, he was thrown out of the Baptist church.   Now they embrace what they once condemned.  There are many lessons in this.

It is also ironic that the SDA’s, who were famous and correct for promoting the literal 2nd Coming as the Day of Judgment, have now moved on to promote a very different and very wrong view of the Judgment.   In doing so, they have misunderstood and repudiated the fundamentals of the Three Angels Messages for all to see.   They have misunderstood the primary doctrine that brought them into existence.

Today, the SDA’s are no longer known for their cutting edge views of the 2nd Coming.  Instead, they are making fools of themselves by promoting the IJ, even as they incorrectly claim that this doctrine hails back to Miller’s famous 1st Angels Message of Rev 14: 7.   This is absurd.  The modern SDA’s have long turned their backs on Historic Adventism, even as they claim they were not doing this. 

Consequently, legions now repudiate such legalism and strange eschatology, which is based on obeying the Sabbath instead of Sunday.  Such views have reduced the SDA’s to cult like status where they are openly mocked and refuted by thousands, even by many of their former members.  In fact, there are more former SDA’s than they are those in church on any given Saturday.  Such a situation is not sustainable.

Not only have the SDA’s replaced the emphasis on the 2nd Coming with the IJ, they have allowed this error to divide and destroy them at Glacier view in 1980, removing their mission to prepare the church for the Tribulation and the 2nd Coming which follows.   The Pioneers, including Ellen White, would repudiate what has taken place to the SDA’s, and so too should we all.

Furthermore, the SDA’s have failed to understand the proper relationship of the Jews to New Covenant eschatology.  While Miller claimed that the Jews would not have time to go back to their homeland prior to the 2nd Coming,  - history disproves this notion.  The Jews have returned to their Nation, and thus they must be part of last day events.  It is a great error to pretend they have no eschatological role.

SDA Eschatology & Israel

Today, the SDA Denomination is in shambles.  In fact, there is no “Advent Movement” today.  Rather, there is a corrupt hierarchy that has led this church deep into apostasy, corruption, and much falsehood.  The leaders no longer know how to tell the truth, nor do they even want to do such a thing. 

Truth no longer matters for the SDA leaders, as money, power, and control are what drive them forward.  They have become a cult, which means they refuse to be rational or honestly admit that they have any errors or false doctrines.

This is not going to end well for the SDA’s, or for anyone that continues to support such utter anti-Gospel confusion and error.  The Advent Movement is dying at the very time when it should wake up and embrace it eschatological destiny.  Sad.  And dangerous.  The world has seldom been closer to destruction.

The only hope for SDA’s is Gospel Reform.  They must return to the original pillars of the Three Angels Messages and repent for both 1888 and Glacier View.  They must correct the record in the White Estate and move forward to the 4th Angels Message, once again perusing Gospel truth and eschatology with both hands.   This was once the hallmark if Adventism, and so it must be again.

I hope this helps,

Tom Norris for Adventist Reform


#4 09-04-12 11:05 pm

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: Sabbath School Univerity

Hear this statement:

All Christians that believe in the Second Coming believe this. What do you think???

"All Christians" is a broad statement which is not true now. Probably most Christians have a belief in the Second Coming heavily influenced by the "Secret Rapture" error, a belief in a seven year tribulation based on the "Futuristic" error, some kind of a belief involving the Jews, and a millennial reign of Christ on the throne of David, and an instantaneous judgment when Christ comes again. WOW! None of these things are supported by Scripture. Out of this mish mash many will expect a "second chance" before the judgment.

As for the IJ, please study Leviticus 16 and 23:23-32. This important ceremony was kept by Israel to foreshadow a real-time Day of Atonement in the future.


#5 09-05-12 1:15 am

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: Sabbath School Univerity

Regardless of the details and differences, ALL denominations and churches today believe in a visible, literal, 2nd Coming of Christ.  In the early 19th century, the opposite was the case.  Which is why Miller made such an impact.  His views were very different from the popular eschatology of his day.

Today, many forget that the Adventists made a great and necessary contribution to the development of modern eschatology.  Too bad they have since fallen into delusion and nonsense.   Too bad they have become so dishonest, legalistic, and cultic, unable to admit error and unwilling to repent and embrace Gospel Reform.  The SDA’s are a sad case, much like the Jews.

As for the IJ, it is false doctrine.   It is unsupported by the NT, just like the Secret Rapture, Tithe, or Baptism for the Dead. 

The IJ is a horrible doctrine that screams cult, along with tithing and silly myths about wine.  There is no sense in reading the book of Leviticus to learn anything about the Gospel, much less the IJ, which was an unknown doctrine to both the OC or NC Jews.  There is no such doctrine as the IJ.  It is a false doctrine that must be repudiated by any that wish to embrace the genuine Gospel.

It is too late in the day to pretend that the SDA’s have no error.  This is an absurd viewpoint that no thinking or honest person would embrace. 

The SDA’s are full of error.  They need to study the Reformation and understand the Gospel, even as they need to better understand the history of the Advent Movement.  They have not been truthful about either. 

All SDA’s must repent of the IJ before they can embrace the genuine Gospel and be saved. 

All SDA’s must repent of their false view of the Sabbath as well as tithing and many other errors if they are serious about following Christ and receiving Eternal Life.

Tom Norris for Adventist Reform


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