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#176 02-17-11 11:53 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

Hubb, I have to admit that one of the things about NCT I had to answer for myself is whether it was antimomian like most evangelical churches? Was there a standard of behavior, or just all Spirit direction. Read these too list and you will have more that  10 directives to comply with, and certain more updated than the language in the Decalogue. Afterall, spouses were left out of the 4th commandment and slavery condoned?


#177 02-18-11 1:45 am

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

Do you believe that these two lists replace the Ten Commandments?
Is there anything in the lists of vices that the Ten Commandments would not cover?


#178 02-18-11 1:32 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

The vices listed  in the Ten are certainly not all covered if we continue to add to them. 

Where is homosexuality mentioned?

Where is polygamy mentioned?

Where is modesty of dress mentioned?

There are many more and those are only a few that come quickly to mind.

Are those not vices then because they are never mentioned in the Decalogue?

What about virtues:

Where is love mentioned?

Where is patience mentioned?

Where is forgiveness mentioned?

Each list could be greatly extended with sufficient time.

The Decalogue is strictly a list of "do's and don'ts" to an illiterate slave group.

While murder is condemned in the Decalogue, how many times before and after did God order murders, theft, and even rape?  Is He above the law?

This is why many believe that the OT was a way designed for the Hebrew people to bring them from slavery to civilization and it took a very long time. 

And this is why for Christians, the NT is the guide for Christian living.  There are NO written laws, but love is the overriding principle which was not even mentioned or emphasized in the Decalogue.  There was a change and Christians are to live by Christ's example, not the example of God as given in the OT. Jesus said to love our enemies; God said to destroy them; Jesus said to forgive 70X70; in the OT, the reward for doing something wrong could be death--usually by stoning.  Jesus prevented the woman from being stoned; yet in the OT, stoning was the penalty; Sabbath-breaking was punished by stoning; Jesus was accused of breaking the Sabbath and the Jews (in obeying their law) wanted to punish Him.

There are far too many discrepancies between the two testaments to ever harmonize them.  You either take one and reject the other or neither.


#179 02-18-11 3:12 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

Hubb, you are bound and determined to hang on to the Old Covenant, like a dog with a bone. Certainly those two lists are more timely and comprehensive than the Decalogue. And with Hebrews 8:13 you are hanging on  to a bone that is "rotten" and "obsolete".

Last edited by bob_2 (02-18-11 3:13 pm)


#180 02-18-11 3:36 pm

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

God does not ever do anything that is faulty, old, about to pass away.  Hebrew is comparing the new or renewed covenant with a corruption of the ceremonial law.  Just read it for yourself.


#181 02-18-11 3:43 pm

From: Grand Junction, Colorado
Registered: 01-21-10
Posts: 244

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

The "first" covenant was old and faulty because the people misunderstood grace (Exodus 19:4; 20:2) and made promises that they could do it all in their own strength.  This covenant was ratified by animals, and is called the historical old covenant. It lasted 46 days.

The everlasting covenant, the Abrahamic covenant, the new covenant was ratified by Christ on Calvary.  Jesus Christ did not end an old covenant or nail it to the cross by His sacrifice on Calvary.  He confirmed the covenant, that is, he made it stronger, and made it effective.


#182 02-18-11 6:05 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: The "essence" of the Old Covenant

Hubb, I have never heard anyone say the 46 days between the smashed commandments and new tablets of stone were a covenant. Where pray tell did you get this concept. I have heard you say it several times, but please tell us where you found the concept, I don't think EGW even goes there.

1. There is the Abrahamic Covenant, or The Promise as it is called in the NT. It , because Abraham was obedient and had faith, is the promise that runs through Old and New Covenants. But the smashed tablets were like a kids first draft crumpled and discarded, and then the next draft was the Old Covenant that was until the Seed shall come.
2. Old Covenant - includes the Decalogue as pointed out to you with supporting texts, until the Seed should come.

3. New Covenant- is ushered in with Christ's death with it's own tenets that may look similar but the New Covenant expands 9 out of 10 of the Decalogue, fulfills the 10 in the mediator and Savior, Christ.

No need to complicate things with your surpising and supposition.


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